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Aims Clinic And Rehabilitation Centre
(Best Physiotherapy Centre in Patna)

Physiotherapy (or physical therapy), often abbreviated PT, is a health care profession. concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment/intervention, and rehabilitation. This encompasses physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being.

Rehabilitation is vital to help you get back on your feet after any major surgery, any life-changing event like cancer, or serious injury to the bones, such as a fracture, or dislocation. Every capable physiotherapist in patna understands the value of physiotherapy in rehabilitation and maintenance.

The main purpose of such a service is to help you achieve functional independence. Often, there is an unrecognized component of physiotherapy — the impact it has on the patients’ emotional and psychological states as patients feel challenged after a stroke, or when they suffer from multiple sclerosis. Regaining mobility, and greater control over one’s limbs speeds up their recovery process.